A single page to answer “will ICT help kids learn?”

Well, almost. These pages from CARET probably answer most of the questions:

How can technology influence student academic performance?
How can technology develop higher order thinking and problem solving?
How can technology improve student motivation, attitude, and interest in learning?
How can technology help to prepare students for the workforce?
How can technology address the needs of low performing, at-risk, and learning handicapped students?

2008 iNet online conferences (via Debra Brydon)

Register for the 2008 iNet online conferences series for educators at: http://www.cybertext.net.au/inet2008.htm

Dear education colleagues,

You are warmly invited to participate, at no cost, in the 2008 series of iNet online conferences for educators. Four interactive conferences for teachers, school leaders and education academics/policy makers will be held, starting in early March 2008. Four separate nine-day conferences will address different aspects of the topic: ‘The road to transformation in education’.

3 – 11 March: System redesign (see supporting background reading below). Contributions to be emailed by 4 February.

21 –  29 April: Curriculum redesign. Contributions to be emailed by 10 March.

12 – 20 May: Personalising relationships. Contributions to be emailed by 7 April.

23 June – 1 July: The power of networking. Contributions to be emailed by 19 May.

Email your contributions, by the due dates, to Ms Debra Brydon, at: brydon@cybertext.net.au

For more detailed information, please see the iNet website at:
